Thursday, October 31, 2019

Valuation of the benefits of infrastructure projects(built Essay

Valuation of the benefits of infrastructure projects(built environment) may sometimes be difficult but it is essential for the rational determination of sector - Essay Example The public services are not able to mobilize resources to meet the increasing demand in these areas, mainly due to bureaucratic interventions, organizational lapses and political lethargy. Therefore, it has become necessary for the private sectors to involve themselves prominently in this strategic area of human living. The fact remains that the implementation and execution of infrastructure developmental projects have remained uppermost in the hands of their planners and executors, but they have not considered its implications nor pondered over the necessary ways in which these projects could provide long time succor and increased standard of living for the masses effected by these projects or the ultimate beneficiaries of these efforts. Hence these projects have been carried out in an ad hoc manner, which is why it has become imperative to upgrade and enhance the quality of service to bring it at par with acceptable standards. The emphasis should be on providing infrastructure proj ects with a national or regional development policy or strategy and also to link the resources decision with local social, economic and environmental requirements. This way, not only the broader objectives of the project would be met but its utility value, in the grassroots level would also stand ensured. This is because all important infra structural projects should have social upliftment and emancipation of the underprivileged and marginalized sections of society in mind when they are conceptualized and also when they are finally implemented. The economic evaluation of development projects should be such that it renders maximum benefit to social welfare. Although the objectives may be clearly delineated, the derivation of net benefits or its quantitative benefit value may not be assessable in real money terms. To take an illustration, the Government wished to seek the

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Environmental Protection Essay Example for Free

Environmental Protection Essay Environmental protection is an increasingly pressing issue all over the world. Ozone depletion, green house effect, global climate changes or global warming, etc, are the main issues in environment. Recent years, many countries and various organizations have paid more attention into environmental protection. A treaty about global environmental protection was discussed by 192 nations in Copenhagen in December 2011. But I fell every individual on this earth should make sacrifices to prevent environment changes. Yes it is the need of the hour. We should protect the world for the future generations. Why? It is because of mans greed he has the once beahtiful earth into a rubbish of Earth. He has increased his numbers to terrible proportions, has caused the death of hundreds of species of animals, has robbed and destroyed the planet in his search for fuels; now he stands, like a violent, spoilt child, delighted at the speed of his rise to power, It is he who is on the edge of the final mass destruction and of killing all the life which exists in the solar system. The Earth is our home but much of it is dirty and dying. Rapid industrial development caused a lot of ecological problems. They are: air pollution, water pollution, growth of population and shortage of mineral resources. Air becomes polluted with Cars, trucks, buses, airplanes, factories and plants send burnt gases into the air. The production of electricity causes not only air pollution but acid rains and global warming. Because of acid rains the Earth losses twenty million acres of tropical rainforests every year. This means the extinction of thousands of species that live there, for example tigers. Only 67 thousand tigers remain. Tigers are hunted and killed for their body parts. Ozone layer is destroyed too and the dangerous rays get through the atmosphere causing skin cancer and other diseases. Most of the air pollutants directly affect the respiratory and cardiovascular systems Nitrogen dioxide and ozone also effect the respiratory system, irritate the eyes, nose and throat and headaches. Carbon monoxide is able to displace oxygen in the blood which in turn can result in cardiovascular and neurological effects. Lead affects bone narrow, impairs liver and kidney function, causes neurological damage and also causes mental retardation in children. Oceans are vital for the life on Earth. We need to protect it. They provide homes for millions of plants and animals, provide people with food and help regulate the climate. But now they are a big dumping ground for tons of toxic waste. Most big cities pour their waste into seas and rivers. Water pollution is due to mixture of dirt, sewage and industrial waste , increased use of fertilizers and insecticides that seep through the earth and pollute the ground water As a result, there are numerous health problems like dysentery, cholera and paratyphoid fever. Noise pollution is yet another problem that the researchers say causes ulcers, abortions, cardiovascular diseases and hypertension besides several mental disorders. Checking of environmental pollution has been absolutely necessary. if it is not checked, the earth will become a graveyard. So we must give due attention to protect it from our own abuses. We must have balanced and planned industrial growth in order to check thin pollution. Towns and cities should be planned very carefully and stress should be given on planting of more trees. I would like to dwell on practical measures which must be taken in order to improve the ecological situation: -the factories must be removed from cities; -have balanced and planned industrial growth -purifying systems for cleaning and trapping harmful substances must be widely used; -green zones must be created by planting more trees. -almost everything is recyclable today recycling is a great way to reduce waste. We need clean air to breathe and pure water to drink. So we have to prevent disposal of toxic waste and nuclear tests. I feel formal education programmed should be provided and implemented for the environ ­mental protection We need to conserve resources like water by planting rain water harvest in our houses Earth is the only planet endowed with a beautiful environment for man to live We should pass it on to our future generation as their legacy. Protect our earth today for our children tomorrow.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

E Health Is Combined Use Of Electronic Information Technology Essay

E Health Is Combined Use Of Electronic Information Technology Essay Health is a major concern for everyone in this world. The implementation of Information and Communication Technologies in the medical field has modified the present definition of health care. It suggested the solution that can benefit both patient as well as health care professionals. eHealth provides solutions in a wide spectrum and it includes various health care products, systems and services. It includes tools for health professionals as well as for patients and citizens. Various services or systems that are covered under eHealth are; health information networks, electronic health records, telemedicine services, Consumer health informatics, Healthcare Information Systems, Health knowledge management. Patients share their health information with their physician in order to improve their health treatment. Patients Information is stored in Electronic Health Record. It has been observed from a survey conducted in Sweden that 95% of all documentation in primary care is made in electronic healthcare records (1). Almost 55% of the Pharmaceutical prescriptions are issued digitally in Sweden and transmitted directly to the pharmacy store (1). The challenging issue which is associated with the eHealth system is the protection of Medical Records. Since the data is transmitted over the network from one place to another so it is suffering from the major security concern. An electronic medical record (EMR) stores personal data which includes medical test results, prescription, hospitalizations, etc. Privacy in the ehealth system can be classified into two categories; Content oriented privacy and contextual privacy (2). So eHealth system can be termed as a secure system if it can deal with both these aspects of privacy. Content oriented privacy indicates the capability or authority of the health care stakeholders in disclosing the patients personal information to other parties (marketing, insurance) whereas contextual privacy indicates the ability of a malicious entity to guess the disease of a patient correctly by identifying the field/domain of his physician. Background In earlier days physicians used to use paper charts for recording the encounters with the patient. Details about medications, lab tests, X-rays etc the patient has taken, needs to be recorded in the chart for future reference. As the medical care became more and more complex, it became tedious for physicians to maintain a good patient record on these paper charts. They needed new technologies to help them to cope up with the increasing needs. With the advancement in the information and communication technologies, the idea of storing the patient records electronically came in around 1960s, when Dr. Lawrence Weed introduced the concept of Electronic Health Record. Weeds innovation allowed a third party to verify the diagnosis to avoid any errors. In 1972, Regenstreif Institute developed first medical record system which combined both inpatient and outpatient data recording (3). Electronic Health Records (EHR) Systems stores the entire health and medical history of a patient in a computerized, electronic format. The record includes the details about patient demographics, progress notes, medications, past medical history, vital signs, laboratory data, immunizations and radiology reports. Keeping these vast records in this organized manner, makes it more efficient to retrieve and maintain, when compared to the paper charts (4). As the medical care and the information technology became more and more complex, it became necessary to share the patient records among the various medical departments like clinical, nursing, laboratory, radiology, hospital administration etc in order to maintain a proper medical record about the patient. When the health records including sensitive data about the patient were shared electronically among the different departments, privacy and security problems became a major challenge to the EHR systems. The recent studies on security and privacy concerns in EHR systems shows that, there is increasing number of threats resulting from the distributed and decentralized implementations of EHR Systems, and also the use of communication over open and insecure internet. Unauthorized accesses, Denial of service are to name a few. Lack of standardization among these systems made it very difficult for the system administrators to implement a secure system (5). Research Problem The main problem associated with an eHealth system is the privacy, security and confidentiality of Electronic Health data (EHD). EHD stores private and sensitive data of the patient and data of EHD is used by physicians, nursing, laboratory, and pharmacy. The publication of personal sensitive data can seriously compromise the patient privacy. Due to this reason many individual does not go for eHealth treatment since they are afraid of the loss of their Health record including information about their illness or disability. In a survey conducted in Canada, it has been found out that 11-13% of Canadians have held back information from a health provider because they were afraid of the privacy of their data (6). In a survey conducted in America, 77% of the population is concerned about their medical information being used for marketing purposes (7). We are trying to figure out the peoples concern about the privacy of their health care record at Stockholm. We will examine the opinion of pu blic regarding the privacy of their health information and accessing eHealth service. Question The research questions drawn from the above problem set are: To what extent, privacy of health care records affects the individuals decision of accessing eHealth service? Are there certain groups of people for whom the privacy is a major issue while accessing the eHealth service? Goal The purpose of conducting this research is to examine the present scenario of the Health care system in Sweden. Research result will be helpful for patient, health care professionals and health care organizations. How the present scenario related to the privacy and the confidentiality of the Health care data is affecting the decision of accessing the eHealth Service. This survey will help to reveal the importance of Security in this field. Method In this section, we presented the description of the research methodology conducted in this paper, followed by the limitations of the research carried out and the reasons of such limitation. Method Description We are going to select inductive reasoning method for our research work. We will draw generalized conclusions from a finite collection of specific observations. Literature Review previous studies: we will study different literatures in the form of research reports and surveys which is conducted on EHR privacy in different parts of the world and then we will identify the present challenges related to patient privacy in Electronic health. Survey: we will formulate a questionnaire based on the identified privacy challenges and conduct a survey among the public to collect data. The questionnaire will be around 10-15 questions which will mainly focus on the awareness of e-health privacy among patients. The sample size for our survey will be around 100-150. Also we are planning to use the facts and figures available in the Internet as a secondary data source for our research. Suggested below are some of samples Do you think that your doctor should be able to access all your medical record in order to provide the best care? Are you willing to share your personal medical information to help government officials to research on disease outbreaks? Do you think that you should be able to access all of your medical records to verify the correctness of the medical record? How concerned are you about your medical records being used by marketing agencies? Formulating the Guidelines: Analyze the data collected, to derive a statistics on the research questions. We will be using IBMs SPSS tool to analyze the data collected and derive the statistics based on it. This statistics will help to find out how much the people are concerned about the privacy in EHR systems. Revising the guidelines: Based on the statistics, draw a conclusion and suggest ways to improve the privacy of patients sensitive data in e-Health. Report writing: The report will be constructed detailing the privacy challenges in EHR system and will point out the feasible suggestions. Limitations Because of the time constraint, the population that we are targeting for this survey includes only undergraduates, graduates, post graduates and post doctoral students (age group 18-35) in KTH (both Main Campus and Kista Campus). We are conducting this survey on limited range of age group, so the result will not include the opinion of elder citizens.

Friday, October 25, 2019

booker t :: essays research papers

Booker T. Washington The purpose for writing on Booker T. Washington is to focus on his educational contributions, and the different speeches he gave during and after the 19th century for African American and for the institution. Booker was born into slavery on a small tobacco plantation on April 5 1856. While in grade school he did not have a last name. When he realized that all of the other children at the school had a second name, and the teacher asked him his, he invented the name Washington. For the first nine years of his life until 1865 when the close of the Civil War emancipated the boy Booker and the remainder of his race, he like many other Americans of dark skin had been considered a piece of property on a Southern plantation. Any education extraneous to their enforced labor had been forbidden to most Negroes in the South. By 1895 however, in his historic Atlanta Exposition Address, Washington was to say: Starting thirty years ago with ownership here and there in a few quilts and pumpkins and chickens (gathered from miscellaneous sources), remember the path that has led from these to the inventions and production of agricultural implements, buggies, steam engines, newspapers, books, statuary, carving, paintings, the management of drug-stores and banks, has not been trodden without contact with thorns and thistles.1 This famous speech placed Washington in the national spotlight as the leader of his race. How did he rise to the top? What were the methods he used to raise his people, and how did he discover those ways? In 1881 citizens in Tuskegee, Alabama, asked Hampton's president to recommend a white man to head their new black college; he suggested Washington instead. The school had an annual legislative appropriation of $2,000 for salaries, but no campus, buildings, pupils, or staff.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

How Television Has Impacted Technology Essay

Television was introduced in 1949 but very few people had it because it was extremely expensive. The only channels people could watch were NBC and CBS. Television became increasingly popular because it was entertainment without going and sitting in the movie theaters. As TV became more popular, it became more affordable. People would hear about television through word of mouth, news, radio and newspaper. Everybody liked the idea of being entertained and staying at home. By the 1960s most families has TV sets in their living rooms, depending on if they liked being entertained at home. Television in the United States has grown year after year and has made a big impact on American culture in many ways. TV has taken a big part in violence in society, the news, how people are stereotyped, childhood obesity, family values, social interaction, and so much more. In my opinion one of the biggest impacts that television has had on American culture is childhood obesity. Obesity is considered a form of malnutrition in which food energy is stored as fat due to being unused. Child obesity is bred within the home and the television is a major contributor to it. The energy we consume from food needs to be used up by the body on a daily basis through physical exertion. An overweight child devoting a major portion of time to watching television is at risk to becoming obese. Television is certainly a contributor to that obesity. Kids these days are getting bigger and bigger, while television shows are growing and growing. To me, that is a big issue and television affects it a lot. Back in the day children enjoyed going outside to play, getting involved in sports or just anything outdoors. I feel like as of today there are now only about a quarter of the kids that enjoy doing outdoors stuff like that. The other 75% of kids choose to stay inside because most likely there favorite TV show is on or there is a movie that they just have to watch. Those kids are losing their time to play outside and mainly burn and lose calories because they are just sitting there watching TV for hours and hours. Obesity is known to be one of the major health concerns among both children and adults in the United States today. It is suggested by certain groups that children should not watch more than two hours of television a day. This in my opinion is already too much because that is where childhood obesity all gets started. The average child n the United States regularly watches between 2-3 hours of television a day and many children now days have their own television set in their bedroom. Not only are children inactive while they are watching television, they often snack on unhealthy food choices. And like I said, establishing unhealthy food habits as a child can often continue into adulthood. Investi gators have hypothesized that television viewing cause’s obesity by one or more of three mechanisms: (1) displacement of physical activity, (2) increased calorie consumption while watching or caused by the effects of advertising, and (3) reduced resting metabolism. The relationship between television viewing and obesity has been examined in a relatively large number of cross-sectional epidemiologic studies but few longitudinal studies. Many of these studies have found relatively weak, positive associations, but others have found no associations or mixed results; however, the weak and variable associations found in these studies may be the result of limitations in measurement. Even studies for reducing the amount of television intake have been completed. They do not test â€Å"reducing television time† directly, but the results that they get may help to reduce the amount of risk for obesity or help promote weight loss in obese children. â€Å"An experimental study was designed specifically to test directly the causal relationship between television viewing behaviors and body fatness. The results of this randomized, controlled trial provide evidence that television viewing is a cause of increased body fatness and that reducing television viewing is a promising strategy for preventing childhood obesity. † I really think parents need to take a stand to their children by limiting the amount of time they spend in front of the television, before it gets too late and they have an obese child. Removing televisions from children’s bedrooms and putting time limits on the TV may be a good way for parents to reduce the risk of obesity in children. Parents must serve as role models because their television viewing habits influence their children’s. Parents should also limit the frequency of television viewing. Overweight and obese children need to be encouraged to do more physical activity such as walking, playing and limiting their television time. Children may also need structured physical activity times to divert them away from television. â€Å"Although the increase in childhood obesity is not caused solely by television watching, Dr. Reginald Washington points out in the editorial that accompanies the articles, â€Å"Society, as a whole, must realize that to effectively control and prevent this obesity epidemic, all risk factors must simultaneously be reduced. † A study by the University of Liverpool psychologists has shown that it is to be true that obese and overweight children increase their food intake by more than 100% after watching food advertisements on television. Children all over the world are exposed to a huge number of TV advertisements, primarily for fast foods and sweets. Some say that it is not the amount of TV; it is the number of junk food commercials that advertise unhealthy foods and constantly play over and over. It is miserable that people blame television as a result to childhood obesity but the United States is starting to get very lazy when it comes to situations like this, therefore I truly believe TV is one of the dominate reasons of why children are becoming obese. I feel like this impact has been mainly negative on American culture. Television advertisers get talked down to by research groups, wanting them to take away all the unhealthy food commercials. Childhood obesity coming from television watchers makes American culture look very bad. When you find out that all it takes is television sets in a kids bedroom and high-quality shows that make children sit, stare and snack to become obese. It really puts a depressing look on America. In my opinion it is a very negative result because it used to not be this way at all. The parents and children put themselves in the situation to becoming obese and television just is an excuse for whenever they actually are obese. I know I will never let my children or close friends get this way due to excess amount of television watching. I have time to watch all my shows I like during the day and still get a good exercise in. I believe that all people can watch their weight and not become obese if they really try. So I really hope the culture changes and fix its look on television with obesity. I do believe that the internet will be used more wisely than television as a medium for delivering content. Television is an older and dull way of showing and sharing shows, movies and advertisements, while now days the nternet can do the same plus a whole lot more. Internet is a lot easier to get to because so many people have smart phones or laptops to be able to quickly access it. I feel like even now I start to see more and more people of all ages on their laptop/computer/smart phone rather than sitting down and watching television shows. Internet is a new (compared to TV) and entertaining way to access World Wide Web. News and broadcast stations are all starting to put their information and ideas on the internet even before they send them to television. While putting the internet into question about my topic, as much as I hate seeing younger kids run around with their own smart phone and/or laptop, it would really help society. Internet will help a lot more in this situation because children that do have smart phones will be able to play outside and exercise with their phone in hand. If the kids do go outside while on their phone it will stop them from sitting in front of a television set, sitting, staring and snacking. Therefore, it will lower the childhood obesity rate in the United States. Childhood obesity is a very heartbreaking yet occurring thing that television influenced and started in the U. S. It has been a very big impact on television and American Culture. After all, we are all hoping and praying that parents help their children get back to how it was back in the day. Have the children exercising, playing outside, and getting involved in sports that way they only spend approximately one hour watching television. We have to lower the childhood obesity rate and will continue to try and stop every way that is involved in it.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Aos: Power – Lord of the Flies

Related Text â€Å"Lord of the flies† 1. Summarize the main ideas/themes of the text. * The loss of innocence * The invariable corruption of power * Savagery vs. Civilization * The reality of betrayal * ————————————————- The influence fear has on people ————————————————- Power is often a source of violence in  Lord of the Flies. The desire for power breaks down the boundaries set by rules and order, causes strife and competition, and governs the actions of many of the boys on the island.Once achieved, power has the ability to either improve or corrupt its holder. Ralph, the more noble of the two leaders on the island, is bettered by his position as chief; whereas Jack, the usurper, abuses his power for personal gain. ————â€⠀Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- There are several themes in â€Å"Lord of the flies†, including innocence, rules and order, fear, power, identity and religion. The text shows the audience to be more self-critical, that the fact not to believe in a good side of a human being and the fight for important values is what separates the human being from animals.The central theme of the text, Lord of the Flies, is power. The different aspects of power shown, is the invariable corruption of power, the reality of betrayal and the influence of fear. In the text, Jack is the antagonist, his like a dictator; he uses fear to control the boys on the island and manipulates them and uses them to his own advantage such as to get food and shelter. Jack uses a story of a non-existent beast to manipulate the other boys to follow his orders/ commands. The reason why the boys follow him and sees him as a leader is because he promised †˜protection from the beast’.A quote in the text that talks about the beast: â€Å"Fancy thinking the Beast was something you could hunt and kill! You knew, didn’t you? I’m part of you? Close, close, close! I’m the reason why it’s no go? Why things are what they are? † 2. What does this text tell us about power? ————————————————- Power is often a source of violence in  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Lord of the Flies†. In Lord of the Flies the idea of power is expressed this way, imagine a world where there were no rules, no laws, and no government to oversee the running of the country.The desire for power breaks down the boundaries set by rules and order, causes strife and competition, and governs the actions of many of the boys on the island. Once achieved, power has the ability to either improve or corrupt its holder. Ralph, the more noble of t he two leaders on the island, is bettered by his position as chief; whereas Jack, the usurper, abuses his power for personal gain. This shows us two different sides of power. ————————————————- Power is often used as a source of violence in the text, â€Å"Lord of the Flies†.The idea of power is expressed differently; imagine a world where there were no rules, no laws, and no government to oversee the running of the country. In â€Å"Lord of the Flies†, to gain power was competitive which meant strife. The desire for power breaks down the boundaries set by rules and order. Being the leader meant governing a group of boys on an island. Whenever power is achieved, power was either improved or corrupted on the leader. For example, Ralph and Jack were leaders for separates groups of boys on the island, the boys had their own choice on who they wanted to follow.It was between Ralph, the more noble of the two leaders, who was the more acceptable or bettered as being ‘chief’ (leader) and coordinated the boys to build a miniature civilization on the island, and Jack, the usurper, who used fear and manipulation to abuse his power for personal gain. It was discussed amongst the boys, â€Å"Which is better–to have laws and agree, or to hunt and kill? † With one side that showed freedom and equality, the other was a dictatorship, the text showed two very different sides of power. 3.Comment on the film techniques employed by the composer of this text. How do they contribute to the meaning of Power in the text? Brook's film opens with a very creepy montage consisting of pictures of a British boarding school intercut with planes flying over London with a haunting school chorus playing in the background. Brook's use of grainy black-and-white photography, plus the lack of any comprehensive musical score (remember Tom Hanks' â⠂¬Å"Castaway†? ), accentuates the bleakness of its surroundings and feelings of isolation.The movie can hardly be expected to capture fully every single intention of this highly complex novel (most don't), but it does respect Golding's words and captures the very essence of what he wanted to say. For that alone it should be applauded. Brook is able to compose beautiful sad visuals. ***SPOILERS*** These include the kinetic editing during the hunt for Ralph, Simon's dead body floating in the water arranged by the sad school chorus (depressing moment), Piggy's tragic demise that puts the 1990s remake laughable mirrored scene to shame, and the very scary feast that occurs at night followed by the dance.That scene, consisting of quick images, scary close-ups on the savages painted faces ————————————————- It is disturbing, haunting, and visually wonderful. —— ——————————————- In Peter Brook’s film, â€Å"Lord of the Flies†, released in 1963 was a black and white film. Although it was black and white film, it’s underrated and it’s still a classic, this is preferably better than the new remakes of this film. Some scenes are considered as disturbing and haunting but visually wonderful.Brook uses a very creepy montage in the opening scene showing pictures of a British boarding school with planes flying over London and a haunting school chorus playing in the background. Brooke uses grainy black and white photography and emphasizes the bleakness of its surroundings to create a feeling of isolation, which relates to a feeling of savagery vs. civilization. With Brook being able to compose beautiful sad visuals, he is able create the scene of Piggy’s tragedy with quick images, scary closer-up shots on the savages pai nted faces of the hunters (Jack’s tribe).This scene shows influence of fear, the invariable corruption of power/ losing control and a sense of savagery vs. civilization. 4. How does this text relate to your prescribed text i. e. George Orwell’s Animal Farm? Link each text by exploring three common aspects of Power. * well the power in the  lord of the flies  is jack's rise to control and leadership. he leads an army of corrupt boys who carry out his evil orders (set the island on fire, orders to kill ralph, etc. ) * in animal farm, napoleon takes the power from snowball and forms a dictatorship. e also has minions such as the dogs who carry out his tasks and corrupt orders. ————————————————- Ralph represents a democracy while Jack represents a totalitarian form of leadership. lead the boys into savagery   —————— ——————————- Want power, Greed or selfishness bring the destruction of the societies, ————————————————- In Animal Farm the animals hated the humans and were scared that they might take back the farm. Napoleon uses it as an excuse to keep the animals working.In Lord for the Flies the littluns are afraid of the â€Å"beast†. When Jack, Ralph, and Roger went and saw the beast, which is a parachute and a man, the biguns also got scared. ————————————————- The pigs took control and the other animals were in worst condition than they were in when the humans were in control. The boys ended up disagreeing and killing each other ————————â€⠀Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- â€Å"Lord of the flies† is very similar to the novel Animal Farm by George Orwell. They relate with a common theme of power.However, both are from different context but written for the same reason, â€Å"Lord of the Flies† is a story of humanity from a navy officer, which served in WWII, while Animal Farm is based on the Russian Revolution. The plot, the characters and the symbols are very similar. Three common aspects of power in these texts is the want of power, the control of power, the reality of betrayal. The antagonist in each text, both want power and used a belief to manipulate the others. In Animal Farm Napoleon tells the other animals to hate the humans and they were scared that the humans might take the farm back.Whereas in â€Å"Lord of the flies†, Jack tells the littleuns that there is a ‘beast’ on the island and if they worked for him, he would provide them with protection. A nother aspect is the control of power, in Animal Farm Napoleon takes the power from Snowball and forms a dictatorship. He uses the other animals to work for him, such as the dogs that carry out his tasks and corrupt orders. In â€Å"Lord of the Flies†, Jack rises to control and leadership. He carries out an army of corrupt boys to carry out his evil orders, similar to Animal Farm. Both Napoleon and Jack represent totalitarian forms of leadership.And lastly, the reality of betrayal was common in both texts. In Animal Farm the pigs had started to become like humans, wearing clothes, sleeping in beds, drinking alcohol and playing cards with humans in the farm house. The other animals saw them through a window and couldn’t tell whether they were pigs anymore or humans. In â€Å"Lord of the Flies†, Jack starts his own tribe with his hunters, the littleuns, he went to steal Piggy’s glasses, but Ralph went to look for it, then suddenly Jack stabs Ralph in the ba ck, but luckily Ralph survived.