Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Aos: Power – Lord of the Flies

Related Text â€Å"Lord of the flies† 1. Summarize the main ideas/themes of the text. * The loss of innocence * The invariable corruption of power * Savagery vs. Civilization * The reality of betrayal * ————————————————- The influence fear has on people ————————————————- Power is often a source of violence in  Lord of the Flies. The desire for power breaks down the boundaries set by rules and order, causes strife and competition, and governs the actions of many of the boys on the island.Once achieved, power has the ability to either improve or corrupt its holder. Ralph, the more noble of the two leaders on the island, is bettered by his position as chief; whereas Jack, the usurper, abuses his power for personal gain. ————â€⠀Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- There are several themes in â€Å"Lord of the flies†, including innocence, rules and order, fear, power, identity and religion. The text shows the audience to be more self-critical, that the fact not to believe in a good side of a human being and the fight for important values is what separates the human being from animals.The central theme of the text, Lord of the Flies, is power. The different aspects of power shown, is the invariable corruption of power, the reality of betrayal and the influence of fear. In the text, Jack is the antagonist, his like a dictator; he uses fear to control the boys on the island and manipulates them and uses them to his own advantage such as to get food and shelter. Jack uses a story of a non-existent beast to manipulate the other boys to follow his orders/ commands. The reason why the boys follow him and sees him as a leader is because he promised †˜protection from the beast’.A quote in the text that talks about the beast: â€Å"Fancy thinking the Beast was something you could hunt and kill! You knew, didn’t you? I’m part of you? Close, close, close! I’m the reason why it’s no go? Why things are what they are? † 2. What does this text tell us about power? ————————————————- Power is often a source of violence in  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Lord of the Flies†. In Lord of the Flies the idea of power is expressed this way, imagine a world where there were no rules, no laws, and no government to oversee the running of the country.The desire for power breaks down the boundaries set by rules and order, causes strife and competition, and governs the actions of many of the boys on the island. Once achieved, power has the ability to either improve or corrupt its holder. Ralph, the more noble of t he two leaders on the island, is bettered by his position as chief; whereas Jack, the usurper, abuses his power for personal gain. This shows us two different sides of power. ————————————————- Power is often used as a source of violence in the text, â€Å"Lord of the Flies†.The idea of power is expressed differently; imagine a world where there were no rules, no laws, and no government to oversee the running of the country. In â€Å"Lord of the Flies†, to gain power was competitive which meant strife. The desire for power breaks down the boundaries set by rules and order. Being the leader meant governing a group of boys on an island. Whenever power is achieved, power was either improved or corrupted on the leader. For example, Ralph and Jack were leaders for separates groups of boys on the island, the boys had their own choice on who they wanted to follow.It was between Ralph, the more noble of the two leaders, who was the more acceptable or bettered as being ‘chief’ (leader) and coordinated the boys to build a miniature civilization on the island, and Jack, the usurper, who used fear and manipulation to abuse his power for personal gain. It was discussed amongst the boys, â€Å"Which is better–to have laws and agree, or to hunt and kill? † With one side that showed freedom and equality, the other was a dictatorship, the text showed two very different sides of power. 3.Comment on the film techniques employed by the composer of this text. How do they contribute to the meaning of Power in the text? Brook's film opens with a very creepy montage consisting of pictures of a British boarding school intercut with planes flying over London with a haunting school chorus playing in the background. Brook's use of grainy black-and-white photography, plus the lack of any comprehensive musical score (remember Tom Hanks' â⠂¬Å"Castaway†? ), accentuates the bleakness of its surroundings and feelings of isolation.The movie can hardly be expected to capture fully every single intention of this highly complex novel (most don't), but it does respect Golding's words and captures the very essence of what he wanted to say. For that alone it should be applauded. Brook is able to compose beautiful sad visuals. ***SPOILERS*** These include the kinetic editing during the hunt for Ralph, Simon's dead body floating in the water arranged by the sad school chorus (depressing moment), Piggy's tragic demise that puts the 1990s remake laughable mirrored scene to shame, and the very scary feast that occurs at night followed by the dance.That scene, consisting of quick images, scary close-ups on the savages painted faces ————————————————- It is disturbing, haunting, and visually wonderful. —— ——————————————- In Peter Brook’s film, â€Å"Lord of the Flies†, released in 1963 was a black and white film. Although it was black and white film, it’s underrated and it’s still a classic, this is preferably better than the new remakes of this film. Some scenes are considered as disturbing and haunting but visually wonderful.Brook uses a very creepy montage in the opening scene showing pictures of a British boarding school with planes flying over London and a haunting school chorus playing in the background. Brooke uses grainy black and white photography and emphasizes the bleakness of its surroundings to create a feeling of isolation, which relates to a feeling of savagery vs. civilization. With Brook being able to compose beautiful sad visuals, he is able create the scene of Piggy’s tragedy with quick images, scary closer-up shots on the savages pai nted faces of the hunters (Jack’s tribe).This scene shows influence of fear, the invariable corruption of power/ losing control and a sense of savagery vs. civilization. 4. How does this text relate to your prescribed text i. e. George Orwell’s Animal Farm? Link each text by exploring three common aspects of Power. * well the power in the  lord of the flies  is jack's rise to control and leadership. he leads an army of corrupt boys who carry out his evil orders (set the island on fire, orders to kill ralph, etc. ) * in animal farm, napoleon takes the power from snowball and forms a dictatorship. e also has minions such as the dogs who carry out his tasks and corrupt orders. ————————————————- Ralph represents a democracy while Jack represents a totalitarian form of leadership. lead the boys into savagery   —————— ——————————- Want power, Greed or selfishness bring the destruction of the societies, ————————————————- In Animal Farm the animals hated the humans and were scared that they might take back the farm. Napoleon uses it as an excuse to keep the animals working.In Lord for the Flies the littluns are afraid of the â€Å"beast†. When Jack, Ralph, and Roger went and saw the beast, which is a parachute and a man, the biguns also got scared. ————————————————- The pigs took control and the other animals were in worst condition than they were in when the humans were in control. The boys ended up disagreeing and killing each other ————————â€⠀Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- â€Å"Lord of the flies† is very similar to the novel Animal Farm by George Orwell. They relate with a common theme of power.However, both are from different context but written for the same reason, â€Å"Lord of the Flies† is a story of humanity from a navy officer, which served in WWII, while Animal Farm is based on the Russian Revolution. The plot, the characters and the symbols are very similar. Three common aspects of power in these texts is the want of power, the control of power, the reality of betrayal. The antagonist in each text, both want power and used a belief to manipulate the others. In Animal Farm Napoleon tells the other animals to hate the humans and they were scared that the humans might take the farm back.Whereas in â€Å"Lord of the flies†, Jack tells the littleuns that there is a ‘beast’ on the island and if they worked for him, he would provide them with protection. A nother aspect is the control of power, in Animal Farm Napoleon takes the power from Snowball and forms a dictatorship. He uses the other animals to work for him, such as the dogs that carry out his tasks and corrupt orders. In â€Å"Lord of the Flies†, Jack rises to control and leadership. He carries out an army of corrupt boys to carry out his evil orders, similar to Animal Farm. Both Napoleon and Jack represent totalitarian forms of leadership.And lastly, the reality of betrayal was common in both texts. In Animal Farm the pigs had started to become like humans, wearing clothes, sleeping in beds, drinking alcohol and playing cards with humans in the farm house. The other animals saw them through a window and couldn’t tell whether they were pigs anymore or humans. In â€Å"Lord of the Flies†, Jack starts his own tribe with his hunters, the littleuns, he went to steal Piggy’s glasses, but Ralph went to look for it, then suddenly Jack stabs Ralph in the ba ck, but luckily Ralph survived.

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